ANTENOR assists its clients in the recruitment of executives and experts with rare and managerial skills.
Analysis of the need
Our team's sector and business expertise enables a detailed analysis and understanding of the need by integrating the contexts and challenges of organisational transformation. Our direct approach methodology allows us to target candidates that are in line with our clients' expectations.
Search & Sourcing Strategy
For each assignment entrusted to our firm, a project team consisting of a consultant and a research officer is put in place to safeguard the image of the client company and to act as an ambassador for the position to be filled. In a tight market, this approach helps attract and harness talent at every stage of the process: direct approach, qualification, selection and evaluation of candidates.
The assessment of candidates is focused on key competencies and soft skills (a combination of know-how that encourages the candidate to adapt to his or her environment and to others, thanks to the use of inter- and intra-personal skills) measured by the consultant through structured interviews and the taking of tests that meet the most demanding psychometric standards, PerformanSe Echo® and PerfManager®.
Presentation, support and integration follow-up
Our teams are involved throughout the recruitment process in an advisory capacity, as well as at the time of taking up the post, in order to ensure the sustainability of the recruitment.
The steps in the recruitment process :