Occupational Health


Anticipation and management of physical or psychosocial risks, drudgery, careers and positions adjustment, life balance, every company must be careful with these issues and be conscious that occupational health is an absolute necessity.


Therefore, the occupational physician’s mission is essential and participates directly in the societal performance.


In terms of medical specialty (177 boarding school places in 2015), the Occupational Health is a sector under pressure.
On this type of search, ANTENOR associates a 100 % complete direct approach of the concerned medical candidate market (5150 specialists active in France in 2016) and the ambassador action for the company.


We operate on both the tertiary and industry sector, and our solutions are designed for :

  • Private companies (headquarters and institutions)
  • Public Industrial and commercial Institutions (EPIC)
  • Administrative public undertaking (EPCA) employing staff on contracts under private law

We hire:


  • Occupational physician as a stand-alone service
  • Physician dedicated to prevention in local authorities (city halls, management centre)
  • Primary care physician

Find out more about our intervention in the Healthcare sector